Buttered Brown Sugar Bakery
Buttered Brown Sugar Bakery, specializes in creating artisan desserts, specifically pound cakes and cookies.
Website: www.butteredbrownsugar.com
Buttered Brown Sugar Bakery, specializes in creating artisan desserts, specifically pound cakes and cookies.
Website: www.butteredbrownsugar.com
RoGina Montgomery Photography specializes in portrait and personal branding photography in Chicago, Illinois and surrounding areas.
Website: www.roginamontgomery.com
Sugarberry Gifting Co is an online luxury curated gifting company that highlights products from Women-Owned and BIPOC-Owned brands. They also offer wedding, corporate, and personal gifting services.
Website: https://sugarberrygiftingco.com
R. David & Associates offers tax preparation services to individuals, businesses, and nonprofits. Their goal is to educate their clients by helping them understand the different ways to maximize their tax credits and deductions. Though located in Fort Lauderdale, FL, they service clients all over the United States.
Website: rdavidassociates.com
Emerge Marketing Co helps female entrepreneurs and woman-owned businesses with digital marketing and social media marketing so they are able to find their and their brand’s place in the world. Their goal is to contribute to the success of the human race which will contribute to the healing of the world.
Website: www.emergemarketingco.com
A.C. Smith Law is a dynamic, new-age law firm that specializes in trademark registration. They believe brand protection is a key component of business growth and sustainability, with A.C. Smith Law on your team, your brand couldn’t be in better hands! YOU BRAND IT. THEY TRADEMARK IT.
Website: www.acsmithlaw.com